Application / Analysis

Throughout this course it has been all about interpretation and once there has been enough interpretation over time there can be sound assumptions that can be fairly applied to what in might pertain. One of the best assumptions in the class was the team norms, these were our basic day to day rules, regulations and expectations for the group to properly work together as a team and to be successful. By having this assumption of accountability, respect, and courtesy to one another, my team was able to work really close and much more efficiently than if we hadn’t made these basic expectations for each other at the beginning of the semester. And I really think that these team norms had a great underlying effect and influence on how fun this class was for my group, even though every moment wasn’t perfect, we still got a lot out of being a group and working as a unit. Another assignment was the in class beta test which provided us the opportunity to make that awesome survey in which we learned what we could improve, and our analysis showed that the biggest changes that needed to be brought and changed for the game was the game pieces needed to be much smaller to fit onto the board, and then we needed to use two die to be able to move through the game at a more reasonable rate of play. By taking this analysis of the data provided by the survey we were able to speed up the game by using multiple die, and make it easier my making the game pieces both smaller and edible, which was a big hit at the Sense of Place night. The last part of big analysis in my opinion was the analysis of who would be playing our serious game through the team demographic assignment. By being able to properly research our topic and everything that it may entail, we were able to conclude that our game would have the biggest impact on Butte County teenagers ages fifteen to seventeen. Without the proper analysis to this issue we may have made the game too broad for players and it wouldn’t have held as much meaning and depth to the serious part of our serious game assignment. Once we were able to target our audience through the research analysis off of the government and private census websites we were really able to hit the nail right on the head of who should be playing our serious game.