Lost Essay

One of the few times I have been lost was the first day of my freshman year in college, when I was headed to my very first university class, History 130 in the Langdon Engineering building. I was in good spirits and excited to begin a new chapter in my life. I hadn’t gone to all of my classrooms beforehand like some of my friends had suggested I do because I like doing things more on the fly and I had given myself a little extra time to find my class this particular morning too. As I was crossing the street from the parking structure, I ran into a friend of one of my coworkers and began talking with him as we both walked to class. I followed him into the building and we parted ways in the stairwell as he continued up the stairs past the third floor, which was supposed to be my stop. Classroom 302 I believe was the exact room number and I started walking down the surprisingly empty hallway counting the room number placards in my head, ‘310… 309… 308…’ all the way down to 303. But that’s where it all ended, the rooms on that floor for some reason went all the way down to the room number one short of what I needed. I was sure I was in the right spot because this building was the one that looked like it had all the people going into it, but there was no indication that I had any fellow classmates in the same vicinity. After walking around the floor two more times to make sure I hadn’t missed it, I swallowed what little pride I had left at that point and poked my head in the closest open door with someone in it typing on their desktop computer. I asked where room 302 was and they kind of looked at me funny at first but then softened up a little realizing I MUST be a new freshman. They asked me if I was in the correct building, in which I responded with ‘I think so, Langdon right?’ and that’s when they shook their head at me as if all hope for me was lost and said I was in the neighboring building. Upon that bitter realization I thanked them and slowly backed away from the door before booking it down the hall and flying down the stairs to try and make it to my first class on time. Luckily the correct building was right there and I found my room with no other problems, I even made it with two minutes to spare.